
Ringworm Can Affect Anyone - Here's Home Remedies

Ringworm doesn't really care who it affects - you, your dogs, or your cats. And since it spreads easily, if you've got kids in school, you may find yourself treating it.It's not really a worm. It's a fungal infection of the skin that usually shows up in humans as raised red patches with defined edges... looking like a worm curled under the skin. It doesn't always look like a ring when it affects your pets, but it does make their hair break off over the affected area.Ringworm can be transferred back and forth between pets and humans - pets and pets - or humans and humans. The fungal spores can live for a long time in the environment, so it's important to do a good anti-fungal cleaning if your home has had it.But - I promised some home remedies, not a lecture on house cleaning, so here they are. Use most several times a day.1. Rosetta Stone Spanish Version 3 Acne - Home Remedy: Effective Home Remedies for Acne Apart from the huge set of prescription and over-the-counter acne medications on the market currently, there are some simple and useful at-home acne remedies that may give you with astonishingly good effects.Following are a number of the effective home remedies for acne: Home Remedy For Yeast Infection - Fast and Effective Home Remedies That Work Is there an effective home remedy for yeast infection? The truth is that there are many effective ways of dealing with this problem in the comfort of your own home. One word of caution though, and that is if it is your first time suffering with this problem, that you need to make sure you see a doctor and get it diagnosed since there are other things that display similar symptoms but are far worse. Effective Home Remedies For Eczema Eczema is termed as an inflammatory skin condition that affects young children most commonly. Most of the people who suffer from eczema often experience severe allergic skin reactions, such as itching, blisters, rashes, and inflammation of the skin. Home Remedies For Acne - Some Popular Home Remedies For Acne Home remedies for acne are sometime more effective than useless OTC medicines. The main cause of acne is overproduction of oil by the sebaceous gland which can be controlled by internal medicines. Topical creams are effective to some extent but if you want to get rid of acne permanently you must try something more reliable.Aloe Vera2. Tea tree oil3. Honey and olive oil in melted beeswax4. Apple cider vinegar5. Listerine mouthwash6. The oregano herb - mix with olive oil7. Epsom salt solution - soak once a day8. Nail polish - if you use it on pets, make sure it's dry before you turn them loose9. Chewing tobacco - any wet tobacco. Use as a poultice and wrap it.10. Diluted lime sulfur - one part to 16 to 32 parts water. Will stain!11. Grapefruit seed extract12. Raw papaya13. Fresh garlic14. Bleach - one part bleach to 6 parts water15. Bag balm16. Pure virgin coconut oil - also good for diaper rash!Remember that everyone - pets and people alike - has a different system. Watch for allergic reactions and discontinue if they appear. Remember that allergies can take many forms - including headaches and muscle aches.

