
Factory Automation Sensors Keep Product Manufacturing Running

Sensors are very effective in increasing the productivity of a manufacturing line if they are utilized correctly. Photo-optic sensors are the factory automation sensors that detect parts when they break a light beam. These factory automation sensors are made up of four different types, separate, retro-reflective, diffuse-reflective, and definite-reflective. Separate sensors detect a part when it passes between the source of a light beam and its receptor, like when parts move down a conveyor and break the beam that crosses the belt. Retro-reflective sensors are similar to the separate sensors since they also produce an outgoing beam. This beam is reflected back to the source by a reflector. The part is detected if the original or the reflected beam is broken. Diffuse-reflective factory automation sensors detect a part by shooting out a beam that is reflected back by the part itself to the origin of the light. Production Management Software That Keeps Manufacturing Running The manufacturing sector is still the workhorse that powers economies. It is an industrial sector that can benefit from innovation and technological solutions to problems. Effective production management software will offer Canada Goose 4565M better product management, more flexible production planning, more accurate estimations, easier collaboration, and better customer service. A properly integrated systems solution, such as Microsoft Dynamics, will accomplish all of these goals with a minimum of retraining and retooling. Manufacturing Automation Keeps Small Manufacturers Viable Even though the current economic climate is very tenuous at best the thought processes of small manufacturers must be turning toward optimizing and updating current manufacturing processes to get the best edge on larger competitors. Factory Information Points Now Using Digital Signs Previously in production facilities we have seen the old notice board when you enter the waiting area and even on the factory floor, these have been used to update employees and customers alike about the company. Now it seems that technology is creating a buzz and the notice board is being replaced by digital signage, many organisations who have a manufacturing facility are deciding to replace the old notice board and put up LCD screens, these are then networked on the same data infrastructure that the computers run off. One Piece Flow Production In Manufacturing Automation Surpasses Batch Processing One piece flow production is the betterment of batch processing in manufacturing automation. Batch processing was a large step up from the manual processing in the past, but one piece flow production is an even larger step up from batch processing. Just the name of batch processing indicates that large groups or batches of products are manufactured.Definite-reflective factory automation sensors are both diffuse and retro-reflective in that they send a beam of light from a device that both sends and receives. The part reflects the light back to the receiver. Only an actual beam has the light strength to detect a part.The production line that is used to fill glass bottles with liquid has examples of the use of photo-optic factory automation sensors. As bottles move down the production line on a conveyor belt they break the beam of light that crosses the belt. When the beam is broken that means there is a bottle in the position for it to be filled from the device above the line. A second sensing device that is positioned to "see" down into the bottle as it is filled, notifies the controller when the proper fill level has been reached and turns off the filling process. Other automated filling operations, like grain hoppers and chemical tanks, are excellent applications for photo-optic sensors. This sensors can automatically shut off the filling operation when the contents reaches the proper level.Material handling can benefit from photo-optic sensors. If pallets are available to have products removed by automation, the products might be stacked in layers on the pallets. A single pallet could be loaded on a lifting device that makes the current level of products available to automation for removal. A reflective sensor could be used to determine the height to which the pallet has been lifted. After automation has removed a level of products from the pallet, the pallet will be lifted until the light beam from the reflective sensor has been broken. This assures that the pallet is at the proper level for automation to remove the next level of products. In another case for safety, reflector sensors can be used in the warehouse to eliminate damages and possible injury to workers. A sensor can be placed at one end of a warehouse location, while its reflector is placed at the other end. These could be situated in front of shelving where fork lifts move pallets in and out of the facility. The sensors would be set up so that an alarm would be sounded if a fork lift broke the transmitted light by moving in too close to the shelving.Retro-reflective sensors can be used for the inspection of product sheeting that is passed under the inspection location. A sensing device can be placed above a high speed feed of product that is in one long, continuous sheet. The sensing device is set up to shut down if light that is transmitted from the sensor is reflected back to the sensor. This means there is a breakdown in the surface of the inspected sheet. The sensor will automatically shut down the line at the point where the defect is discovered.Vision sensors are the most complex of the no-contact sensors. These are actually systems that are made up of a camera, a controller, circuitry for sending signals, and a display terminal. This sensor has the best capability to see everything that happens in a work cell. There are many applications for the vision sensor in manufacturing automation. Technology has pushed the capability of vision systems to a very advanced state. So much so that a lot of the tasks that have previously been done by other types of photo-optical sensors are now been done by vision sensors. Color and pattern recognition from vision systems can give high quality to product inspection and recognition. A product an be recognized as being a given color, so it will be processed differently that a product that is recognized as another color. This capability alone can bring a great deal of flexibility to manufacturing processes. Inspection using vision capabilities allows defective products to be automatically diverted away from packaging so that quality control is kept high. Rather than shutting down a production line the vision inspection can re-route a product to an area where is deficiency can be rectified.

